Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what a fun few months...

So sorry it's been forever since we've had anything new to read about. Our little one is now mobile and that happened around the age of 10 months. I thought she might not ever crawl with all that delicious chunk that seemed to slow her down. But she is loving it. I thought the crawling stage would be difficult, but while I do have to chase her much more, I love crawling all over the place with her and having my own personal little buddy that follows me everywhere (no more privacy on the pot folks!). I call her my little "woodchuck". I realize all kids put things in there mouths, but she seems to want to grind down all the wooden furniture in the house as well as everything else.
This furniture is of course hers, but there is evidence of her little animal habit everywhere. Sometimes she tries to take on a whole table.But there are some redeeming habits. I have to say that my reading to her since she was tiny has paid off and she officially loves to not only be read to but to read to herself. She even makes little voice inflections and laughs as if she's reading something funny. It's totally adorable. Anything goes too. It doesn't matter if it's a a real book or in this case, my planner. She just loves to read. Yea!!! She can now stand on her own and loves to find odd things in the house to play with like the springy door stopper. Being a mom is wonderful and challenging. I think the most difficult part is the lack of social freedom and interaction. I think most stay-at-home moms can relate to that. The second for me has been getting my body back to a place where I like it again. Let's just say I gained a little too much chunkage and it's been hard to sluff that last 20 pounds off. But I have been training for a half marathon and things are coming along. I'll be sure to post some victorious race finishing pictures after the event. In the meantime I will be training and running after my little woodchuck to get in the extra calorie burn. Peace!Just had to show the love. Man I love her!


Melinda said...

She is such a beautiful baby! I could look at tons of pictures of the doll and not grow tired of her sweet little face!

Anonymous said...

i can't get over how stinkin' cute she is! i'm proud of you too! half marathon!??! good luck! that is totally awesome! i'd be like that person they have to literally drag across the finish line :P haha you are an inspiration :) fun to see what you've been up to!

Leslie said...

Hey Pututaus! I just found your blog. Yay! Love it. We miss you.